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Jennie Mateer Hunter was born in August 1869 in California. Her parents were Anthony Hunter (1819-1891) and Eliza J. McGill (1839-1915), natives of Ireland. Eliza came to America in 1866 with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John Douglas. They migrated to San Francisco two years later, where Anthony and Eliza were married.

After her father's death, Jennie took over his farm in Linden, San Joaquin County, California. She never married, and managed the farm until her death in 1946. The farm included vineyards, orchards, dairy cows and Jennie's many dogs. After her death, the contents of her home were donated to the Haggin Museum in Stockton, California, which now has four rooms recreated from her household furnishings.

It is not known for certain what connection exists between Jennie Hunter and the Mateer family of Westfield, N.Y. According to the museum, her maternal grandparents were Joseph Magill and Jennie Mateer of County Down Ireland. It is likely that Jennie Mateer was the same person as a sister of that name of Robert Mateer, the father of Joseph M. Mateer, to whom the letter below was written.

More about the Hunter family from the History of San Joaquin County, California, 1923.

Anthony Hunter

Eliza McGill

Jennie Hunter (young)

Jennie Hunter (1930's)

Photos of the Hunter House

Information and photos are from the Haggin Museum, Stockton, California.
Scan of pages 1 and 4
Scan of pages 2 and 3

Linden Dec 20, 1930
Mr & Mrs J. M Mateer,

Dear Friends,
Just a line wishing that you are all well and to wish you a pleasant xmas and a Prosperous New year. I like many others will kiss 1930 Good Bye and be glad to see it pass out . This long depression has every one blue. I have not sold as yet my 1930 crop. I have it stored in the barn and insured for three thousand dollars against fire. all kinds of grain or crops are down this year, my neighbor sold grapes for two dollars per ton. so she told me. and some people received a trifle over one dollar per ton after all expenses had been paid. With such business as this going on there are no doubt in my mind but what California is going to be owned by some foreign nation.

We had a nice pleasant autumn but now the weather is quite cold and frosty and very dry the ground is just as dry and hard as what it was in July or August, although some people are ploughing and putting their grain in for fear that it might rain to much when it starts raining.

Mr. Mateer can you tell me any thing ab't the N.Y. Exchange & Stock market or when the bears are going to let the stock market go up. I have 5472 shares in Transamerica but I bought mine several years ago as an investment from the Bank of America. My friends tell me not to worry as everything will come out O.K. later on.

I regret very much that Mr & Mrs Campbell came out to California. I could see that they were disappointed. Mr. Levy in Stockton would have given Mr. Campbell work at $2200 per week. and would also have given the Mrs work too. I did not hear how much he would have paid her. Mr. C told me what he said to Mr. Levy when Mr Levy told them what the wages would be. so I did not bother asking any one after that to give them employment. although they did not feel at least backward in asking me for enough money to get back home on. $101100 they received from me. some time before they arrived in California. I had a neighbor say to me that I should deed Mrs Campbell my home and no matter where I was traveling in the world I would always have a home to come to, of cours he did not know that my father had a long talk with me along such lines as deeding property that he was about to give me that would take effect at his death. outside people often cause trouble in families.

I persume you are the grandparents of three nice children. I asked Lena Johnston how you folks was and the baby but she could not tell me whether it was a grandson or daughter.

As I have forgotten how to write a letter I will now close trusting to hear from you soon, and asking you to forgive me for not writing but I thought of you just the same.

Yours Lovingly
Jennie H

I am sending you a small package.